Wednesday, July 21, 2010

inception. ending.

This is going to be a SPOILER post.
If you haven't watch INCEPTION yet.

Just have to type my thoughts out in order to organise them.
the ending's really driving me crazy. LOL.
i'm just going to post my thoughts about the ending here,
and well,
some of the questions i have about the movie. XDD
Help answer it if you can~ ^^ Domo arigatou ne..


SO the biggest question is...


of cos i'd like to think that he's in reality. HAHA. The happy-ending-is-best mentality of mine. But still, there's been a lot of opinions given by others who've watched the movie.

To me, the strongest point made by those who say that Cobb's still dreaming is that his children doesn't seemed to have aged. They were also wearing the exact same clothings and doing the exact same thing. So, it shows that Cobb's still stuck in his own subconciousness. This is by far the only point that i can't explain if i hold my position that Cobb's in reality when finally returned home.

However, I would like to think that he's back in the reality cos he finally saw the faces of his children. I'm not sure about this, but when i dreams, are they actually able to create new memories? 'Cos, if it's not possible, then Cobb must be back in reality to be able to see his children's faces once more right? Since he doesn't have any memories of how his children looked like...

As for spinning totem, it's really subjective. To me, maybe partially 'cos i HOPE that cobb's back in the reality, the spinning totem looked like it's going to topple eventually. Well, i can stretch a little further by saying that when Cobb spinned it in the dream world, it was spinning PERFECTLY. As in, a straight T. So, the little jerks that it seemed to have seems to imply that it's not a PERFECT spin. Thus, representative that it'll eventually topple unlike in the dream world.

There's really A LOT of ways that people can understand this ending as. I was reading through the Yahoo! Answers and there were A LOT of theories that people had about this. Some even suggested that the whole movie was a dream by Cobb, who was trapped in his own loop of sub-conciousness. This may sound ridiculous but thinking about it, it may not be THAT ridiculous afterall. Since the start of the movie was of Cobb being washed up on the shores in the limbo world. I'm not sure of what purpose the director had in mind to show that scene right from the start and to repeat it when nearing the end. One may think that it's a tactic used commonly in movies or even novels but something just feel off to me when it is THAT PARTICULAR SCENE used. Well, shall just brush that idea off my mind. HAHA! too complicated to think about. There's another idea which was brought up. and that is, the whole movie's about Cobb being under an inception to get over Mal's death. This sounds plausible too, but my mind's just too orientated to Cobb being the perpetrator instead of the perpetrated. LOL.

as i re-watched the movie last night, i found another question that has been bugging me since then. LOL. that is, why did SAITO aged SOO MUCH when Cobb still remained young? I mean, the limbo is a universal place where those who died while being too deeply in the dream world goes to right? So it means that Saito must have been somewhere in the same place where Ariadne and Cobb was when they were looking for Mal. Furthermore, Saito should have arrived there LATER than Ariadne and Cobb. Since he'd only died AFTER throwing the granite to protect Fischer's "corpse". So logically, Saito should have experienced the same time-flow as Cobb and Ariadne did. And also, think most of you noticed, although the shore that Cobb got washed up was similar to the one he and Ariadne got washed up to in limbo, the buildings were all gone when he found the old Saito. It was a new world that I assumed Saito has built in the time he spent in limbo.

I'm completely confused over the age difference between Saito and Cobb when Cobb finally found Saito in the limbo. LOL! One actually suggested that Cobb woke up to the first dream level, which is in the van underwater, and drowned. Hence, returning back to limbo. And in that few seconds that he woke up to be drowned, Saito aged considerably in limbo. Well, this explanation is plausible but it's pure imagination isn't it? HAHAHA.

Oh well, it's just complicated. HAHAHA!


Long isn't it? HAHAHA!
The fact that I'm actually here, typing such a LONG post thinking about the whole story of Inception shows that it's really an amazing movie.
So many different ways to perceive a single ending.
It feels just like what a good book will do to it's readers. (:
Leaving the space of imagination there and let readers enjoy the process of thinking about it and justifying it with their own reasons.

Think this is by far the MOST meaningful post i've ever written. LOL!

please DO watch Inception if you haven't. ENJOY IT. ^^

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