Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chrysanthemum Jelly O.O

Went for checkup this morning.

Took the usual blood test.

BUT. ALMOST took the wrong report. HAHA!
was so shocked when i saw the HGB level went down to 9.94
LOL! It's as if i didn't take the operation. lol.
Checked the name..
AND OH! It's Jasmine Cham. LOLOL!!
i must be deaf. -.-

Well, as usual.
the waiting time is FAR LONGER den the time spent with the doctor.
haha! but the worst is at the pharmacy. =.=

reached the office at 2+. haha!
've slacking since then~
bought the "fried pork bun" from the T1 basement.
It's NICE~~ LOL!
There's a jelly that came along with it.
It's Chrysanthemum jelly! LOL!
along with some wolfberry at the bottom.
pretty special. hahah!
but i think i still prefer the usual fruit jellies. haha!
wanted to post the pictures of the jelly de....
but... it's already finished before i thought of taking pictures of it.

Out of topics to write about le. =.=
that's it then. for today. =X

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