Really thought of finishing the editing today but..
Oh well, gave up on trying to save money so shall just give myself more time to work on it.
Had a really nice dinner with the people from Legenda and my future 仕事仲間...
Was at a really... atas place though. LOL!
My first time at Dempsy.
Me got lost though. 相変わらずに...
But still, it was nice meeting my fellow future-colleague.
She's from NUS too! There's common friends too. LOL!
She's a pretty passionate ARASHI FAN too! HAHA! <-- i="">the most important fact-->
OH! and the Legenda guys..
Kakkoi! LOL.
One of them's married so awwww...
But not so sure about the other one. XDDD
Tall and gentlemanly and humorous... WUAKAKAKAKA.
I'm pretty sure he's taken already so lets stop the fantasizing here. LOL.
On to the next topic.
Himitsu no Arashi-chan officially ends today.
After 5 years of entertainment.
It just feels so sad and real when they ACTUALLY followed the share-house setting..
Getting all packed up and leaving the keys behind as they exit...
Seeing them remembering the past while going through the items left behind just made it all the more difficult to acknowledge that this bangumi is ending.
Mannequin 5, Ranking Derby, V.I.P Room, Last Mission...
Himitsu no Arashi-chan have definitely brought much joy to my life.
I'm so going to miss seeing all 5 of them on Thursday night.
Thursday has always been such a day for me to look forward to everyday.
Well, at least I still have VS Arashi...
In any case, it had been a really great bangumi.
And I am really thankful for it...
Will be looking forward to Sho's 活躍 in replacement of Himitsu then! :D
And as usual...
Guess this is the anime that I've mentioned the most here. LOL.
It always has such power to make me 激動 enough to want to talk about it here.
A really nice and touching arc just ended. In like 3 episodes?
HAHA! 銀魂らしい...
But still, it was definitely a touching arc. I cried.
Or maybe it was just because I was still feeling a little pent up after Himitsu..
It really just makes your heart go all out towards Gintoki.
Just how kakkoi is he going to be?!
And as usual, after all the crying and sadness, it ended with jokes. LOL.
Made my heart light with laughter once again.
And that's why I love Gintama so.
The date of release for the 2nd movie has been announced too!
July 6, 2013.
And we'll finally get to know Gintoki's past!
Definitely going to be a movie that cannot be missed by Gintama fans.
But the title is OMG-what-does-this-mean?!
『劇場版銀魂完結編 万事屋よ永遠なれ』
Please DON'T tell me that Gintama's gonna end with this movie.
But given Gintama's reputation in fooling around with false news and scares...
there's still this hope that it's just going to be another bad joke. REALLY.
Shall end this post with a saying by a really strong yet sad character in the arc this time..
An easy to understand yet difficult to achieve view of life.
(永久名誉塾代 小尾一より)
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