This has to be the MOST boring day of my work ever since I started working here.
Ewwwwww.. what a waste of my time. LOL!
It's bad to start of a post with that. HAHA.
Just realised that I'm like.. realllllyyyy whiny =/
But hey! it's supposed to be a happy day today.
Gonna be having Thai dinner later!~
I miss my Tom Yum soup SOOOOO MUCH. lol!
wonder if i'll be able to get decent tom yum soup in Japan. T.T
OOooops. Just got complained by my in-charge that I'm listening to my ipod too much. =X lol! didn't notice that she was trying to intercom me. =/
The phone's like behind me on another table la...
How would i know......
And of cos Arashi (or even other artistes) sounds better than the typing sounds..
LOL! Maaaa.. shall not slack so much next week.
I'm reflecting. seriously. ^^
Still, since it's already Friday, I shall just enjoy it. LOL!
Well, back to my holiday-yet-working life.
Finally got my precious Beautiful World last week. ^^
Has been looping it since then. LOL!
It's an album that I just won't get sick of it. XDDD (I might just be biased)
But this album.. hmm. quite different from the previous one I would say.
The whole feel of it is different.
It's more soothing and well, encouraging. Unlike the intense and exciting feeling from the previous one.
Nice change of pace i'd say. :DDDD
And apparently, this album was done with the 311 disaster in mind.
OH. and 1 super plus point for this album.
Even Jun's. LOL!
And well, surprisingly, his solo caught my attention the most.
It's JUST SO CATCHY. XDDD and this time he sings in a normal voice.
Not the robotic robotic voice like in Come Back To Me. :DDDD
Ohno's solo is hmmm.. like his usual yet not really. LOL! A more hip hoppy feel to it. ^^ Can already imagine how amazing his dance will be~
Nino's solo is AMAZING. seriously. It's those kind of ballads that builds up to the climax and drops and shoots up again. HAHAHA! His voice is VERY SUITABLE for such songs.. XDDDD And the more I listen to it, the more it feels like a song about friendship. Even though the melody is those.. love songs kind of melody.
Sho's solo is SUPER SWEEEEEEEEET. >////////<
It's a song about being in love and treasuring the time being together. Ahhh~ how to say. Just VERY SWEEEEET. LOLOL!!!
And my Aiba'a solo!!! Another really cute song from him. XDDD Not that upbeat as Magical Song tho. ^^ The melody didn't really catch my attention intially. Until I listened to it again and try to understand the lyrics. It's a song that you'll REALLY enjoy once you understood teh lyrics. XDDDD So kawaii~ hahaha! It's a song about a guy secretly admiring his best friend. HUR HUR. Like those high school puppy love kind of bubbly and shy feeling. :DDDDDD
Okay. Fangirling needs to stop here. HAHA!
Oh one last thing.
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