Sunday, February 11, 2007


Arlo everybody.
Now downloading FMP so,
come and blog while i have de time.. =D

today was GO GREEN DAY..
a kinda hmmm "lame" name..
oh well, basically it's jus being a garanguni.
LOL.. not sure how to spell it..
putting it in a crude way thou.. XD
a nicer name whd be
Recycling old bao zhi and yi fu.=D
It's so darn tiring larh..
zhen shi de.. LOL..

after dat, we went for CG outing.
well, it was more like a group outing.
we played POOL with
Jia Haur, Zeng Wei, Lap Kan, Daryl, Yvette, Vanessa and Si Bei..
haha.. it was FUN der lorhs..
LOL.. budden i was like so..
er-herm.. LAN.. =.=
haha.. ok lah.. process is all we want.. XDD

we played for arnd 2 hrs? or maybe 3.
then, me and bei had to leave ler..
meeting dede and yilin at PS.
well, of cuz me n bei were de FIRST to reach larh..
LOL.. gees. we're so PUNCTUAL.

after dat, we went to Biing Yih hse.
haha.. de guys were all like.
playing water polo?
it doesnt look like it larh.. budden tink so.
haha.. so anyway.
we decided to play a prank on them..
we hid their clothes loh.. XDD

den poor WM, so innocent loh..
LOL.. they went up and cant find their clothes.
so kept asking WM abt it.. LOL.. XDD
it was so FUNNY larh!! X))))

ok. eventually they realised it.
so not fun ler larh.. zhen shi de.. -.-
haha.. den we kenna splashed by them loh..
shou bu liao.. LOL..

we played BEAR HUNTER after that.
CHOO MIN was ALWAYS the first one to be killed loh..
haha.. no one wanna save her..
it so funny larh..
den she gong gong der..
dun even understand de game.. =.=
den zai pang pian keep talking away..
make ppl so irritated.. LOL..

today was so fun loh..
Thanks to everyone!!~
cya and takkaire.. XD

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