Konichiwa.. today was realli an exciting day for me loh.. LOL.. Actualli din wanna shout nor cheer derx.. budden de atmosphere was irresistable.. hahax.. everyoen started to get 'high' when de race started.. So exciting.. hahax.. n de most unbelievable thinggy ish dat Cuda gt first eh.. hahax.. its lyk dunno for how many years liao.. we were always stuck at 3rd or 4th position.. haha... cuz yilin went for a translation competition.. so she cldnt come today n left de poor Choo Min alone at de Jaguar place.. haha.. she was so bored loh.. de race haven even started she came to de cuda place to find me.. haha.. i was with huey kia den.. she is lyk de only yellow person sitting in a whole sea of blue loh.. it was so striking... LOL.. budden she din wanna go back to de Jaguar place.. Keep using her sling bag cover to cover her yellow shirt.. haha.. as if liddat she wun be seen.. so farnie loh she... hahax...
I was telling huey kia abt Choo's farnie actions n incidents mah.. den huey kia kept laughing.. Choo saw her laugh den she asked her.. "R u laughing at me? Why?".. Its such a stupid qn loh.. haha.. its obvious dat she was laughing at her... LOL.. ltr arh, Choo mouth itch loh.. go n suan huey kia.. instead gt 'whacked' by huey kia using a paper.. haha.. she so ke lian loh.. even huey kia hu jus noe her oso bully her liaox.. haha.. Ltr she malu loh.. gt chased away by Mdm Sai.. hahas.. budden i tink after a while she went to find dede.. haha.. she jus cant stand boredom.. can she? haha..
the most exciting part abt today's sports day ish dat.. Sir Chow gt run mah.. haha.. budden its lyk de first tym he run arh.. towards de finishing line he fell down loh... so saddening hor.. Si Bei must have been xin sui ler.. haha.. budden arh.. he can realli run fast man... in both his even arh.. he gt 2nd n 3rd eh.. nt bad ler.. haha.. another one dats super pro today was esther! she realli ran so super fast loh... caught up quite a distance n gt first somemore.. haha... nicole oso nt bad.. she won de best individual award... so qiang loh.. all of them... oh yah.. today mh oso ran leh.. she ran de 100m race... she oso chao qiang loh.. cuz she was chosen last min derx.. she din even noe until dat tym loh.. budden she still so brave eh.. went to participate.. haha..
After de sports day, me n yj went to kovan to buy de banner cloth for homecumin loh... de price ish ok lah.. nt veri ex.. 2 pieces of 2m cloth total $8.. ok hor.. c we both so gd loh... actualli veri tired liao ler.. din wanna go der.. wanna go home slp.. =P budden.. aiyah.. cuz i kind mah.. so went loh... LOL.. XD well, after dat de came to my hse do hw.. den she suddenly said she wanna go hougang mall to shop.. we went dere, she ate one pineapple pie n browsed one shop nia.. den she said she hafta go back liao.. -.-.. so hao xiao der... haha... cuz her mom comin to fetch her mah.. so she no choice.. LOL...
Ok ba.. dats all ler.. mid-yr is jus arnd 2wks tym.. so everyone takkaire! dun fall ill now! n study hard ba! Sayonara!
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