Aloha... well, cuz felt a lil sian so came n blog for a while.. haha.. within de days dat i din blog arh... nt much things happened lah... so nthin much to sae.. haha..
lets start from sunday hao ler... Sunday, i went to cycle in pulau ubin with my bro and his gf family.. initially tot dat it wld be quite awkward.. LOL.. budden her family is super humorous... realli... laughed lyk siao cycling with them.. haha... it was a wonderful trip dere... budden drank too many coconuts dere.. came home had a terrible stomachache.. LOL...
Monday was terrible.... i felt as if i was a coolie at de VCH... keep carrying my guzheng arnd and din even get de chance to play on de stage to practise... T.T felt as if i wasted my tym dere loh... got up to de stage den hafta go down liao... so bo liao.. haix... n suddenly, i realise dat de comin tuesday is de performance liao.. omg... LOL.. a lil too slow eh.. but its true! i onli realised it yesterday nite before i slept.. haha... oh well, i tink everything gonna turn out fine... so.. nthin much to get nervous abt.. LOL... sit back n relax!
yesterday, i finished reading my rave comic liao... so sad T.T i missed it... i shd nt have read so fast... now nthin to read liao... a lil lonely without it.. haha... budden i lyked de ending! it was a happy one eh... i love dis kind of ending.. although its lyk a lil to far-fetched.. budden i stil lurved t.. haha... den i found another idol inside de comic.. haha.. Sieghart! hes so cool loh... n so seintimental too... LOL... u all will love him too... =) haha... cuz he too shuai ler... LOL...
well, gotta prepare to go for guzheng liaox.. cya!
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