Thursday, October 15, 2009



It seems that i have been updating my blog pretty frequently these days..
haha! but work's cramping up.. so...
oh well. trying hard to NOT procrastinate already..
but the "ghost of procrastination" seems to just stick around with me..
RAWR. have to try harder to get it off me...

Well, actually today was supposed to be a happy day..
the lectures i had were both entertaining..
i was in a pretty good mood when i boarded the bus from school...

I decided : OH! Let's go buy Dark Slayer today!
Since i wasnt able to buy it yesterday..
and so! i went happily to Plaza Sing, up the escalators to Times.
strolling in excitedly..
BUT. the book was no where to be found! DAMN IT.
i checked the web and it said that the book CAN BE FOUND in that STORE!
i asked the counter about it..
the lady went ALL AROUND the store searching for it.
then.. she came up with this INGENIOUS explanation.

RAWR. for some reason.
i felt really pissed off.
and it just sort of spoilt my whole mood.

Thereafter.. nothing seems to go well for me.
I reached sengkang.. went to popular.
and should i say that i expected it?
The book wasnt there either.
So, i just gave it up! THAT POPULAR seems to HAVE NOTHING that i ever wanted from it.

I went home. listening to songs along the way..
half wondering why i'm feeling so irritated.
den i decided to myself! OH WELL. JUST GO HOME AND WATCH SHOWS THEN.

and TA-DA!
The stupid wireless just wouldnt connect me to the internet.
and really. I JUST FELT LIKE DUMPING this BAKA LAPTOP outta window.
It took me a FRIGGIN 2 HOUR to fiddle with it before i got connected. =.=

feeling much better ranting everything out.
today's just a day that started off right,
but ending up WRONG.

Monday, October 12, 2009



today's a rainy day...
HEAVY rain.
but it seems that sengkang's pretty dry though...

i've finished a book titled "The Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
It's a really really thick book..
haha! but it's a truly exciting book.
especially towards the end..
almost impossible to put it down. HAHA.
Lots of mysteries.. twists...
but somehow, i dont think that it's going to be very re-readable.

Dark Slayer's OUT!! it's the big big one i think.
i'm so going to buy it. HUR HUR.
One of my most anticipated book of the year.
Two of the most tragic characters in the whole series. XD

This few weeks is going to be busy.
i think.
if not, i'll be deadmeat. TRUE deadmeat.
slacky days of uni life if over....

just finished listening to the e-lectures. -.-
it's so much better to be in a LT. haha!
at least i wouldnt be dozing off and stuff... HUR HUR.

i'm off to sleep! (:

Thursday, October 08, 2009



It's exactly 1 month and 1 day since i last posted.
this blog is going to die again for the don't know how many times already.
Well, i'll still try to revive it once in a while. XDD
think desireen also gave up pressuring me to update it ler. HAHA!
promised u that i'll update it like er...
last last weekend?

i just went through a VERY SCARY test.
for my GEM module on Einstein's physics.
It was SCARY!!! KOWAII!!!
and so i see...
i'm still NOT suited to study physics.
i was like TOTALLY KILLED in the SIX calculation questions.
=.= and a dozen other questions about the theories..
The worst thing is....
It was an OPEN BOOK test, and we were able to discuss it online!!
...since it was an online test. HAHA.
I am SOOOOO SURE that if it was a closed book test and CANNOT discuss,
I'll be SOOOOO DEAD...

for me..
physics should just be for pure entertainment when reading about it.
all the queer discoveries..
i've THOROUGHLY learnt my LESSON now.
i shall NEVER touch PHYSICS again.
I have another term to go before i complete this module! T.T
people, i need your SUPPORT!!!!!!

Oh Oh.
yesterday i went for a check up at KK again.
and things just seems to get increasingly complicated.
all of a sudden, stones are becoming more and more.
so now, besides my gall bladder that has stones....
even in my gall bladder DUCT. there's stones.
and ta-da.
the operation is getting more complicated because of it.
the doctor estimated the operation to last about 3-4 hrs.
that's LONG! isnt it?
and i'm going to have my operation on the 29th of OCT.
FAST! HAYAI desu ne!

but at least this time i get to CHOOSE the ward! HUR HUR!
Air-conditioned ones are a MUST!!!

thinking that i'm actually going to have to miss quite a number of classes.
hais. i'm already slack enough.
missing of lessons is going to kill my end of year exams. T.T

we shall see how things go then! (:

feels weird talking about my health on the blog....
haha! not that a lot of people read it anyway.. =S

I'm going to SLACK for a while now!!
after that HORRIBLE test i had.
I deserve to have a McFlurry don't I? HAHAHAHAHA!
maybe i'll get one along my way home~~~

OHOH! last but not least!
Lots of thanks to Des, bei and van for the present! HAHAHA!
it was definitely a lot more ENTERTAINING than the usual ones.
HUR HUR HUR! This year's pressents were the BEST!
Although it may mean increasing my expenditure on comics.
I sincerely hope that one piece will have a decent ending!
If not i think it's highly possible that i'll do things that even i don't know what i'll do.
HAHAHAHA. What a rubbish sentence.
Ignore that please. (:

Well then, see you guys soon! (if possible =X)

P.S. Joselyn is now going to finish watching Buzzer Beat. All hail YAMAPI!